You can easily Track Your CSB Bank Loan Status Check with the help of your smartphone and internet connection from your home. As We Know CSB Bank is one of the best banks in India that provides multiple banking services.
It offers various types of loans including personal loans, vehicle loans, gold loans, two-wheeler loans, MSME Loans, business loans, and many more. If you have applied for a loan from the CSB Bank and now want to check the status of your loan application.
Then read this article carefully till the end. Because today I am going to tell you about how you can track your CSB Bank Personal loan status check from your home without going to bank branch.
Required Documents for CSB Bank Loan Status Check
As We know every bank asks about your documents before checking your loan application status to verify your ownership. And This CSB Bank will also ask some information about your loan application and you.
First of all, You should keep your loan application in your hand when you go for tracking CSB Bank Loan application. Then you can keep some information such as registered mobile number, Aadhar card Number, Name, and Date of Birth.
- Application Reference Number
- Registered Mobile number
- Aadhar Number
- Name and DOB
How To Check CSB Bank Loan Application Status?
Generally, You can Track your CSB Bank loan application status by two ways- Online and Offline. Checking Loan applications online is easy and simple, but this does not mean that the Offline method is difficult.
Both ways of Tracking CSB Loan application is simple and easy according to your expertise. If you have a little bit technical knowledge then online method is easy and simple for you. But who don’t know about the online internet banking, then the online method is too hard for those. By the way here I will tell you about both methods. So first, let’s know about the Online method.
CSB Bank Loan Status Check Online
Right now, CSB Bank has not given any direct link for tracking the CSB Loan application Status. But there is a way through that you will be able to track your loan application status online. You can download the CSB Bank mobile Application or log in into the internet banking of CSB Bank.
After that, you can go to the loan section of your mobile application or internet banking. When you go to the loan section of CSB Mobile Banking application, there you will see your loan application that you have applied For. As You Click on the application, and you will see the current status of your loan application.
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Track CSB Bank Loan Status Offline
You can also track your CSB Bank loan application status offline by phone banking and by visiting the nearest Branch of CSB Bank.
To Check your loan application status by phone banking. You have to just call to the customer care number of CSB Bank which is 1800-266-9090, +91 0422-6612300, and +91 0422-2228422. You can call on above numbers.
After calling on above numbers, You can request to track your loan application with the customer care executives. Then they will help you to tracking your loan application. For that they might ask about your personal details and application number or reference number.
Tell them everything correctly. After that, they will track your loan application and tell you the current status of your loan application.
Second, you can visit the nearest branch of CSB Bank and tell the bank officers that you want to check your loan application status. Then Bank officers will ask some information about you and your loan application.
And after that they will track your loan application, and tell you that when you will get your loan amount in your bank account.
My Dear Readers, Today I have teach you to track your CSB Bank Personal loan and other types of loan application status check. I hope this article will help you and you will be able to track your loan application after reading this article.
If you have any question, feel free to ask below in the comment. I will reply you within 24 hours. If this article is helpful for you. Please Share this article with your friends and family. Thank You.
She is a professional writer, SEO Specialist, and Editor. She has completed her MBA in Marketing and Finance and now working at as a senior writer and editor. She has more than ten years of experience in Personal Finance, Marketing, article writing, and Banking Serices. She is able to describe and teach deeply about Personal Finance, and Banking Services to our readers. So We hope you all enjoy her articles.